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More expensive cookies - but overall inflation rate is easing

Food lying in a shopping cart in a supermarket / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa/Symbolic image
Food lying in a shopping cart in a supermarket / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa/Symbolic image

Christmas baking is expensive for many Saxons this year. The prices for a number of baking ingredients are significantly higher than a year ago, the State Statistical Office announced on Wednesday. Sugar (20.3 percent), baking powder and vanilla sugar (13.3), jam (11.4) as well as eggs and flour (2.7 each) cost more in November. According to the statisticians, the prices of citrus fruits, apples and chocolates have also risen. In contrast, consumers were able to save on butter (-27.7) and quark (-2.3).

According to preliminary calculations, the statisticians put the overall annual inflation rate for November at 3.9 percent. The decline has thus continued. In October, at 4.5 percent, it had fallen below the five percent mark for the first time in 19 months.

Luckily, those who had to stock up on heating oil or liquid gas at the beginning of the heating season were in luck recently. According to the data, prices were significantly below the previous year's figures (-19.7 and -14.1 percent respectively) - unlike electricity and natural gas.

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