The prices for Christmas trees in Saxony remain largely stable this year. They are mostly at a comparable level to last year, according to Lars Richter, spokesman for the state enterprise Sachsenforst (SBS). There were only isolated price increases, but these were only minor.
According to the SBS, it sells between 15,000 and 20,000 Christmas trees a year. There are no uniform prices for the trees from the state-owned company, but these are determined and set by the respective forest districts. According to the spokesperson, it is not possible to give a general reason for slight increases. However, the prices could be influenced by different weather conditions or increased material costs, among other things.
Difficult conditions for businesses
Prices also remain unchanged in other businesses. "We ourselves have not increased our prices," said Christmas tree grower Ulrich Haberland, who operates cultivation areas between Halle and Leipzig. His company, Sächsische Christbaum GbR, sells several thousand Christmas trees every year, primarily Nordmann fir and blue spruce. The weather was favorable for the company's trees this year. There was comparatively heavy rainfall, especially in spring and early summer.
It is unclear whether prices will remain this way in the future. Wage and material costs are continuing to rise for them too. In addition, the supply could become smaller because some companies are unable to find successors.
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