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Frost damage: aid decided for fruit and wine growers

Grapes of a white wine variety hanging on a vine / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Symbolic image
Grapes of a white wine variety hanging on a vine / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Symbolic image

The Saxon cabinet has approved aid for fruit and wine growers affected by frost damage. The fruit growers had already had difficult times in recent years due to the drought, said Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Dresden. For some, the question had arisen as to whether or not they should continue farming. There is currently a discussion about this in the sector. However, fruit growing and viticulture are important factors in Saxony - also for the cultural areas. We don't want farms to have to give up and cultivation areas to disappear.

A total of 22 million euros is available for this and next year to minimize frost damage. The winegrowers' association recently put the figure at around 34 million euros. However, Günther assumes that many businesses have insurance. The money now made available for the frost damage comes from his ministry's budget - largely from the climate fund. According to Günther, expenditure has been postponed. Applications can be submitted to the Sächsische Aufbaubank if the farms have lost more than 30 percent of their average annual production. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has been asked to examine the possibility of short-time work compensation for employees.

"The frosts at the end of April caused massive and in some cases existential damage in fruit and wine growing," said Günther. A package has now been put together to help affected businesses. "This includes direct aid, but also possible tax deferrals and regulations on possible short-time working. This is an important message for the sector. Because fruit growing and viticulture are part of Saxony. We need the businesses for vibrant rural areas and more regional added value."

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