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VW works council in Zwickau resigns - new election planned

The works council wants to remain in office until the new election despite resigning. (Archive image) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
The works council wants to remain in office until the new election despite resigning. (Archive image) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

A bang at the VW plant in Zwickau: the works council resigns and prepares for an early election. The background to this are legal disputes about the 2019 election.

The works council of the Volkswagen plant in Zwickau is resigning and preparing for a new election. The move is intended to prevent a period without a works council at the site in view of the crisis at Europe's largest car manufacturer with the threat of job cuts and plant closures. The decision was taken unanimously on the initiative of the IG Metall works councils. According to the information provided, the union has 35 of the 37 works councillors on the committee. Until the new election, the works council will remain in office and fully capable of acting, emphasized Chairman Uwe Kunstmann.

The background to this is an ongoing legal dispute regarding the 2022 works council election, which is now before the Federal Labor Court. In the opinion of the Zwickau Labor Court and the Regional Labor Court, the election was invalid. Essential provisions of the election procedure had been violated, according to the reasoning. The lawsuit was brought by employees who had stood on a rival list to IG Metall.

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