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Truck driver seriously injured in accident on A4

The truck initially crashed into a broken-down vehicle. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa
The truck initially crashed into a broken-down vehicle. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa

A truck driver leaves his lane on the A4 near Nossen, hits a car on the hard shoulder and breaks through a crash barrier. The police have a suspicion as to the cause of the accident.

A truck driver left the road on the Autobahn 4 near Nossen and was seriously injured. On Tuesday evening, the man drove his truck off the road to the right and crashed into a car that had broken down on the hard shoulder, according to a police spokesperson.

The truck then broke through a crash barrier and overturned next to the road. The driver was seriously injured and taken to hospital. He probably had health problems and left the lane as a result, the spokesperson said.

The accident between the Nossen junction and the Wilsdruff exit resulted in property damage of 130,000 euros. "Tag24" had previously reported.

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