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Promenades at Leipzig Central Station set visitor record in 2023

People walking along a street with their shopping bags / Photo: Markus Scholz/dpa/Symbolic image
People walking along a street with their shopping bags / Photo: Markus Scholz/dpa/Symbolic image

The promenades at Leipzig Central Station reached a record number of visitors in 2023, the management announced.

The promenades at Leipzig Central Station had a good year in 2023. With 28 million customers, a record number of visitors was recorded, the management of the transport and shopping mile announced on Saturday. After the coronavirus pandemic, which also hit the station hard, visitors returned to Leipzig in large numbers. "With the introduction of the Deutschlandticket from May, the visitor numbers from 2019 - i.e. before the pandemic - were reached in one fell swoop and even significantly exceeded," explained Promenaden manager Thomas Oehme.

According to the management, three million more visitors were counted in 2023 compared to the previous year. They are registered at Leipzig Central Station via counting devices at each of the 26 entrances. "We can therefore see very precisely which events have a particularly large impact on visitor flows," explained Oehme. There had already been significant increases in the first quarter. In April in particular, with the Book Fair, the numbers continued to rise and then remained consistently high from May with the introduction of the 49-euro ticket.

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