Hoyerswerda Zoo achieved several breeding successes last year. For the first time, the zoo was able to breed the highly endangered Pátzcuaro cross-toothed newts. Some of the young animals were transferred to zoos in Hanover and Riga via the European breeding program, while two newts will remain in Hoyerswerda.
The changing leaves - a type of insect - also reproduced well, it said. The servals, meerkats, kangaroos, emperor moustached tamarins and rock squirrels also had offspring. The tree spiny lizards and the southern spherical armadillos each raised one young animal.
Last week, the zoo staff in Hoyerswerda counted and measured the animals and checked their health. There are currently 1,127 individuals of 116 species living here. Compared to the previous year, the number of species and animals has decreased slightly. Several construction projects are planned this year. For example, a new farm and a new facility for animals from Asia are to be built.
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