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Klepsch: Tourism still needs government support

Tourism Minister Barbara Klepsch considers further support for the industry to be necessary.  / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Tourism Minister Barbara Klepsch considers further support for the industry to be necessary. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Tourism has ministerial status in Saxony. CDU politician Barbara Klepsch will head the department, which also includes culture, for a further five years.

Saxony's Tourism Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU) believes that further state support for the industry is necessary. Despite all the difficulties, the budget policy of the coming years must also enable the further development of tourism so that it can continue to make its contribution to the state's tax income and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants, said the minister.

"Tourism is anchored in the coalition agreement with clear plans, which is an important signal for the industry. Together with our partners, we will implement the projects of the master plan and advance the key topics set out in it, such as the further development of year-round and hiking tourism or the strengthening of our spa and recreational resorts," emphasized Klepsch.

According to the minister, it has been possible to significantly strengthen not only the regional tourism organizations but also non-seasonal offers, digitalization and the national and international visibility of Saxony as a travel destination. This has been reflected in guest numbers and added value. In the morning, the Saxony State Tourism Association will take stock and provide an outlook for the new year.

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