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BUND Saxony welcomes rejection of the industrial area in Wiedemar

Felix Ekardt is chairman of BUND Saxony / Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa
Felix Ekardt is chairman of BUND Saxony / Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa

A huge industrial estate was to be built in the district of North Saxony. But nothing will come of it for the time being. The majority of the town voted against it.

The Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) in Saxony welcomes the decision of the citizens of Wiedemar (district of North Saxony) against the construction of a large industrial area. Around two thirds of residents voted no in the referendum on Sunday. Companies were to settle here on around 400 hectares. BUND argued that high-quality farmland would have had to make way for a sealed area.

"It is time for sustainable rather than convenient or prestige projects. There is enough free industrial space in central Germany. Reducing land consumption is key to stopping the extinction of species and the climate crisis," explained Felix Ekardt, head of BUND. Just like nature conservation, food security and organic farming also need more land in the long term in order to be able to farm more in harmony with nature - with less fertilizer and pesticides.

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