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AfD just ahead of CDU in Saxony poll

In a new poll for the state election in Saxony, the AfD is just ahead of the CDU and both are well ahead of the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance (archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
In a new poll for the state election in Saxony, the AfD is just ahead of the CDU and both are well ahead of the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance (archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

It remains a close neck-and-neck race between the CDU and AfD in Saxony. A good two weeks before the state election, both parties are lonely at the top. Sometimes one is ahead, sometimes the other.

A close race between the AfD and the CDU is emerging for the state election in Saxony on September 1. According to an Insa election poll commissioned by the "Sächsische Zeitung", "Leipziger Volkszeitung" and "Freier Presse", the AfD would receive 32 percent of the vote, followed by the CDU with 29 percent. Behind them, the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance appears to be establishing itself as the third strongest force in the Free State. It would receive 15% of the vote from a standing start.

According to the survey, the other parties would have to fear for their entry into the state parliament. The CDU's current coalition partners, the SPD and the Greens, are each at 5 percent, as is the Left Party. For the FDP, with currently 2 percent of the vote, it would again not be enough. The Free Voters are now just below the five percent hurdle with 4 percent.

27 percent "certain" in their decision to vote for the AfD

27 percent of Saxons said they were "certain" in their decision to vote for the AfD. This figure is 23 percent for the CDU and 12 percent for the BSW. At the same time, the Greens and the AfD were rejected the most by Saxon voters. 57% stated that they could not imagine voting for the Greens. For the AfD, the figure for this statement was 46 percent.

In the last survey on August 9, the CDU was ahead with 34 percent. The AfD achieved 30 percent. The BSW was in third place with 11 percent. The SPD and Greens came in at 6% each, while the Left Party only achieved 4%.

Election polls are generally always fraught with uncertainty. Among other things, declining party loyalty and increasingly short-term election decisions make it difficult for opinion research institutes to weight the data collected. In principle, polls only reflect opinions at the time of the survey and are not a forecast of the election outcome.

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