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Scholz defends government balance sheet with works councils

Olaf Scholz defends his government's record in talks with works councils / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Olaf Scholz defends his government's record in talks with works councils / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Olaf Scholz meets works councils - and gives a private insight as well as an outlook on new laws. The Chancellor still has a tube television.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) defends his government's record in talks with works councils. "We have tried to modernize a lot in our society, starting with the Bundeswehr and a relief for people who earn little money," he said in Dresden. There had been "quite a lot of arguing" to achieve the results. There is now a lot of gun smoke over the landscape, which must first settle "so that you can see what has been done".

Scholz announced a law on collective bargaining and a law to modernize the federal procurement system. The aim is to reduce bureaucracy. "Both drafts are practically ready." There is no fundamental dispute in the coalition, it is only a matter of practical details.

Chancellor makes private confession

The Chancellor also commented on e-mobility and the expansion of the charging station network. Transparency is needed as a first step for the latter. "With many of them, you don't even know what you're paying." Scholz did not want to estimate when the big breakthrough in e-mobility will come.

The Chancellor showed understanding for the fact that many people are delaying the purchase of an electric car - with a comparison from his private life. "I still have a tube TV," admitted Scholz. It still works perfectly and he was once very proud of it.

When he once wanted to buy a new TV, he thought that if he bought one now, it would be old again in a year. "Somehow I couldn't bring myself to do it." Scholz speculated that many people would probably feel the same way when deciding on an electric car.

In the late afternoon, the Chancellor plans to speak at the election campaign launch of the Saxon SPD. A new state parliament will be elected in Saxony on September 1.

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