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Electoral officer checks the results of the state election in Saxony

Electoral officer checks the results of the state election (archive photo). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Electoral officer checks the results of the state election (archive photo). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Was the distribution of seats in the new Saxon state parliament calculated incorrectly? The state electoral administration wants to investigate the case. This would have consequences for the AfD in particular.

The electoral officer wants to review the result for the distribution of seats in the Saxon state parliament. Several parties and experts from Wahlrecht.de assume that the state electoral officer may have miscalculated the new distribution of seats in the state parliament, reports the "Leipziger Volkszeitung". According to the paper, an incorrect seat allocation procedure was used. The matter is known and is being investigated, said a spokeswoman for the state electoral administration in response to a dpa inquiry.

According to the LVZ, the AfD would have one seat less according to the other procedure and would no longer have a blocking minority in the state parliament. With this blocking minority, certain state laws, which must be passed by a two-thirds majority of all MPs, could not be passed without the AfD MPs.

In Saxony, as in other federal states, constitutional judges and the heads of the state audit offices are elected by a two-thirds majority of all MPs. Certain posts could therefore not be filled without AfD approval. In addition, the state parliaments could not dissolve themselves.

According to the preliminary results, the CDU was once again the strongest party with 31.9% of the vote. The AfD came in second with 30.6 percent. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) achieved 11.8% from a standing start and is likely to have a say in the future formation of government. The SPD received 7.3 percent and the Greens 5.1 percent. The Left Party only made it into the state parliament with 4.5 percent because they won two direct mandates in Leipzig - a clause then applies according to which they enter parliament according to their second vote result, even though they were below the five percent hurdle.

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