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Similar voter turnout as five years ago in the European elections in Saxony

A person puts his ballot paper for the European elections into a ballot box / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa
A person puts his ballot paper for the European elections into a ballot box / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa

In Saxony, voter turnout in the European elections is expected to be similar to five years ago, with 20.9% of eligible voters having already cast their vote.

In Saxony, voter turnout in the European elections is expected to be similar to five years ago. In the first four hours after the polling stations opened on Sunday, 20.9 percent of those eligible to vote had cast their ballot, according to the State Statistical Office in Kamenz. It is also estimated that 19.7 percent of eligible voters voted by post.

The polling stations for voting opened at 8.00 am. Around 3.3 million people in Saxony have been called to vote for the European Parliament and local representatives. They can cast their votes in almost 3,600 polling stations until 6 p.m. on Sunday.

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