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Green Youth starts federal party conference in Leipzig with a view to the future and criticism of the traffic light coalition

"The Green Youth is here to stay" - affirms Sarah Linker from the Hessian state board of the Green Youth right at the beginning / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
"The Green Youth is here to stay" - affirms Sarah Linker from the Hessian state board of the Green Youth right at the beginning / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Who will lead the junior organization in the future? And where are they heading in terms of content? Following the resignation of the previous board, the future of the Green Youth will be discussed at the national congress.

The Green Youth began its national party conference in Leipzig with criticism of the traffic light coalition and a commitment to its own future. After the previous board announced at the end of September that it would not be running again and would leave the party as a whole, the question was asked: "What does the future of the Green Youth look like?" said Sarah Linker from the state board of the Green Youth Hesse in her opening speech. It was clear: "The Green Youth is here to stay."

Timon Dzienus - Federal Chairman of the Green Youth until 2023 - also emphasized: "Right now, especially these days, we need a strong, courageous and loud Green Youth." In his view, there needs to be "an absolute U-turn in the traffic light policy". It is unacceptable "that the AfD's electoral successes are always met with the next tightening of asylum laws." If bridges collapse, people can no longer pay their rent and swimming pools and youth centers are closed, it cannot be that the super-rich get richer and richer. "These are conditions that we as Green Youth can no longer accept and must be changed politically," demanded Dzienus.

While formalities are on the agenda for the evening, the election of the new Federal Executive Board will take place on Saturday. The outgoing board had justified its resignation from the party with dissatisfaction with the policies of the Greens and too many compromises within the traffic light coalition.

Who wants to lead the youth organization in the future

Jette Nietzard and Jakob Blasel are running to succeed Svenja Appuhn and Katharina Stolla as chairpersons of the party youth. The 25-year-old Nietzard sees the reorganization of the Green Youth as an opportunity to "think about who we want to be". She is active in the Berlin Green Party, is committed to helping refugees and works for the German Children's Fund.

As part of the Fridays for Future climate movement, 24-year-old Blasel focuses on climate protection. In his application, however, he also names social justice, anti-racism and a humane asylum policy as key issues for the young organization. Further candidates may be added before the election of the new leadership duo on Saturday afternoon.

The motto of the congress is: "No more crisis - let's take back the future!". Around 800 participants have registered. According to Dzienus, almost half of them are attending a national congress for the first time.

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