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Marriages in February: Data from the State Statistical Office show trends

A bride and groom cut the wedding cake during the wedding ceremony / Photo: Silas Stein/dpa/Illustration
A bride and groom cut the wedding cake during the wedding ceremony / Photo: Silas Stein/dpa/Illustration

The number of weddings in February in Saxony is low overall, but Valentine's Day has become popular among February dates. In recent years, however, other date constellations have overtaken Valentine's Day.

Rarely anyone in Saxony gets married in February, but those who do choose to do so are happy to do so on Valentine's Day. However, other February dates have overtaken Valentine's Day in recent years, according to data from the State Statistical Office. According to the statistics authority on Tuesday, February, like January, March and November, is generally one of the months in which the fewest marriages take place. Between 2013 and 2022, only between 2.5 and 6.3 percent of all marriages in Saxony were registered in February. However, in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2019, Valentine's Day was the day in February with the most marriages.

Since 2020, however, special date constellations have played a role, according to the state office. For example, 261 couples married on 20.02.2020, 131 couples married on 12.02.2021 and a total of 442 couples married on 22.2.22.

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