Parental allowance: Saxony remains the leader in paternity rates
Last year, fewer fathers and mothers received parental allowance than in 2023. Saxony is further ahead in one category.
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Last year, fewer fathers and mothers received parental allowance than in 2023. Saxony is further ahead in one category.
People with an addiction often find themselves in an emergency situation. When children live in such households, they can suffer.
From 2032, women will be entitled to protection from violence by law. The federal government wants to support the federal states with billions to achieve this. The Bundesrat agrees, but also voices criticism.
The first babies of the new year have been born in Saxony. Abdullah and Bennet open the birth year 2025.
"What should our child be called?" - One of the most important questions for expectant parents before the birth. In Bavaria, other first names top the list of the most popular baby names this year.
Ludwig Simon and his father meet for the first time in leading roles. Here, the 26-year-old talks about the family shoot and the high heels he wore for the first time in his life for the movie.
Saxony honors civil society efforts to integrate young people with a migration background. The Sterntaler Prize is awarded by the Kinderschutzbund and the Free State of Saxony.
If a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, this can cause lifelong damage to her child. According to the ministry, this affects hundreds of newborns in Saxony every year.
Many older people, the sick and those in need of care are supported by relatives in the same household. New data shows how many people this is and how much time they spend.
The book "The Bunny School" was published 100 years ago and has since sold more than 2.5 million copies. Its roots lie in Saxony. Now the story is told in Erzgebirge dialect.
Fans have been worried about Daniel Aminati's wife Patrice for months. Fortunately, her cancer treatment is having an effect. She is now free of metastases.
A family of seven swans is causing regular police call-outs. The officers are considering a long-term solution.
It is intended to be a place where German and Czech children and young people can play sport together. Now the Olympic Festival is starting in Most in northern Bohemia. There is even an Eiffel Tower.
In Meissen, a boy was forgotten by his father at a highway rest area until the police intervened.
The number of births in Saxony has fallen again. The figures are as low as they were last in 1995. However, there is one population group where there are more births.
Discover exciting activities for the whole family during the summer vacations in Dresden! From creative workshops to adventurous guided tours - there's something for everyone here.
Minister of Education Piwarz takes stock of all-day care in Saxony and emphasizes the good starting position for the future.
Saxony's vacation regions are expecting many vacationers in the coming weeks. Good booking situation before the summer vacations. City breaks on the rise.
In the warmer months of the year, many people enjoy an evening at the theater in the open air. And the theaters use the season for many an opulent performance. Plays for the whole family are particularly popular.
In the warmer months of the year, many people enjoy an evening at the theater in the open air. And the theaters use the season for many an opulent performance. Plays for the whole family are particularly popular.
The "Kosmos" democracy festival in Chemnitz attracts thousands of visitors with music, art and sport on a perfect summer's day.
Matthias Reim became a pop star in the 1990s with "Verdammt, ich lieb' Dich". The singer will also be stopping off in Dresden for his tour on May 17 and 18.
73% of children in Saxony live with siblings, while 27% live as single children. Differences between urban and rural areas and between married and unmarried adults.
One day after the opening, the fire department arrived at Karl's Adventure Village in Döbeln (Central Saxony district) on Sunday morning. The alarm was triggered by a fire alarm system at around 5.20 am, said Steffen Janasek, head of the local fire brigade. On site, however, it turned out to be a mi ..
Many Baltic Sea vacationers have known Karl's Adventure Villages for some time. From now on, the chain is also present in Saxony: many families did not miss the opening in Döbeln on Saturday.
The Greens in the Saxon state parliament see a need for improvement in the planned hospital reform, particularly with regard to the accessibility of obstetrics.
Insight into the art collection of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein, which has grown over the centuries, with works by Rubens and van Dyck.
The number of weddings in February in Saxony is low overall, but Valentine's Day has become popular among February dates. In recent years, however, other date constellations have overtaken Valentine's Day.
Few marriages take place in Saxony in February, but Valentine's Day is popular. However, other February dates have overtaken Valentine's Day in recent years.
In Chemnitz, the arrival of the European Peace Ride will be accompanied by a family sports festival. There will be music, sporting activities and free ice skating.
Whether it's snow, rain or drought: in times of man-made climate change, Saxony's winter sports resorts want to switch to year-round offers. These are aimed primarily at families.
Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has called for a significant reduction in the number of refugees coming to Germany. He spoke out in favor of limiting family reunification, reducing social benefits for rejected asylum seekers and continuing border controls.
The Commissioner for the East, Carsten Schneider (SPD), has called for a more differentiated view of the East. In recent years, the media have often reported on what is negative nationwide, said the SPD politician on Tuesday in Berlin after consultations with the state government of Saxony-Anhalt. A ..
On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, not only pavement was laid in Bautzen. Memories were awakened, hearts were touched and a sign against forgetting was set. The Cologne artist Gunter Demnig, the initiator of the Europe-wide Stolperstein project, visited the city to lay three of these special memorial st ..
A total of 243 children and young people were adopted in Saxony in 2022. That was 13 more than in 2021, as the State Statistical Office announced in Kamenz on Monday. The majority of them (62 percent) were adopted by the stepparents, so there was no change in the living situation of the children and ..