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Kretschmer wants to limit "irregular migration"

Michael Kretschmer showed his determination at the election campaign kick-off. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Michael Kretschmer showed his determination at the election campaign kick-off. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The two CDU state associations kick off their election campaign together - with a guest from federal politics. Saxony's Minister President wants to fight for another government mandate.

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer wants to drastically reduce migration figures. "We are committed to limiting irregular migration and drastically reducing the numbers," said Kretschmer at the joint election campaign launch of the CDU in Saxony and Thuringia in Meerane. This is not possible with the Greens, which is why they do not belong in any further government. Things could not go on as before, he said, and a government mandate was needed in the state elections so that a great deal could be achieved on this point in the Bundesrat.

Education was also not yet where it wanted to be. Kretschmer promised to recruit more teachers. "We will do everything we can to recruit highly trained men and women for schools throughout the country." He also announced a pre-school year in kindergartens. Kretschmer's third campaign topic was health and care - and he lashed out at federal policy. He was furious that Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) was "only causing damage, only causing problems". In Saxony, Kretschmer wants to preserve all hospital locations.

The stakes are high. "We need a clear government mandate to shape things and clarify our Saxon issues," said Kretschmer.

Merz: It's about keeping the country in the middle

In Meerane, CDU Federal Chairman Friedrich Merz also emphasized the importance of the elections in September. They would not only be observed in Germany, but throughout Europe. It is about keeping the country in the middle, said Merz. He emphasized that there would therefore be no cooperation with the AfD. Merz also commented on differences regarding the war in Ukraine. It is no secret that he and Kretschmer "do not always agree". In retrospect, however, they should be able to say: "We have achieved the best for Thuringia, for Saxony, but also for Germany."

Together with Merz and Thuringian state chairman Mario Voigt, Kretschmer celebrated the election campaign kick-off of the two state associations of Saxony and Thuringia on Thursday evening. State elections are scheduled for September 1 in both states. In Saxony, the party recently came in just behind the AfD (30 percent) in an Infratest survey with 29 percent. In neighboring Thuringia, the AfD also came first in an Insa poll at the end of June with 29%, well ahead of the CDU with 22% and the BSW (20%).

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