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BSW, CDU and SPD hold talks on possible government participation in Saxony

The CDU, BSW and SPD have met in Dresden for further talks on forming a government. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The CDU, BSW and SPD have met in Dresden for further talks on forming a government. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Getting to know each other continues: after initial talks between the three parties, the potential coalition partners for a new government in Saxony meet for a second time. But when will the actual exploratory talks begin?

The CDU, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) and the SPD have met again in Dresden as potential partners for a new Saxon government. Afterwards, party representatives announced that further talks had been agreed for October 14. There is no talk of official exploratory talks yet. It was agreed that the atmosphere was constructive. So far, the meetings have been referred to as "familiarization talks".

After the first round last Monday, party representatives expressed their support and spoke of "constructive talks" even then. BSW chairwoman Sabine Zimmermann, who has since also been elected leader of her party's parliamentary group in the state parliament, expressed her satisfaction. She is cautiously optimistic that good solutions will be found in the interests of the cause, she said.

Saxon BSW leader "cautiously optimistic" so far

"We want something good to come out of this in the end. I think we are well on the way to achieving this," said Zimmermann. She refuted views that the talks were being influenced by BSW namesake Sahra Wagenknecht. There is no dedicated line to Berlin, nor is Oskar Lafontaine sitting somewhere in the background. The negotiations were being conducted autonomously and Wagenknecht had no right of veto: "I don't see why," said Zimmermann.

Party founder Wagenknecht told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) in an interview that she wanted to closely coordinate the BSW's talks on possible government participation in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. It is important that the negotiations in the three states are coordinated, he said. "If we give up an important demand in one state, it will be difficult for us to push it through in the other states. In order to have a strong negotiating position, we need to act in a coordinated manner," she said.

Wagenknecht also threatened to break off the talks if the CDU and SPD were unwilling to compromise. "If the others don't really want to move, then our voters' mandate is opposition," she said, "because we were elected for change and we will not betray our voters." Commenting on the talks so far, Wagenknecht said: "In Saxony and Thuringia, you can already say that it is often more annoying with the SPD than with the CDU."

BSW is needed for government majorities

The BSW achieved double-digit results in the state elections in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg and is needed for government majorities. However, the BSW's foreign policy positions against arms deliveries to Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, and against the deployment of US missiles are a potential stumbling block.

Wagenknecht reiterated in the RND that the state governments must take a clear position on the deployment of US medium-range missiles. "This should be in the preamble to the coalition agreement. This could then also lead to a Bundesrat initiative, but above all the state government should publicly represent this position," she said. She also called for a review of the coronavirus pandemic. The BSW in Saxony is initiating a committee of inquiry in the state parliament. "If we want to learn for the future, there is no way around an honest reappraisal of coronavirus policy," said Zimmermann.

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