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CDU campaign focuses on safety, education and trade

Alexander Dierks, Secretary General of the CDU in Saxony, at the presentation of the election campaign / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Alexander Dierks, Secretary General of the CDU in Saxony, at the presentation of the election campaign / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

The CDU wants to score points with voters in Saxony with the issue of security in particular - and promises to go its "own Saxon way" when it comes to limiting irregular migration, if necessary.

The CDU is placing a strong focus on security policy in its campaign for the state election. "Our promise is: With the Saxon Union, law and order will be enforced," said Alexander Dierks, Secretary General of the CDU Saxony, at the presentation of the campaign.

This includes limiting irregular migration, which the CDU wants to achieve primarily through border controls. Dierks said that they had reached out to the federal government on this issue, but it had not budged. "We are prepared to go our own Saxon way."

In the view of the Christian Democrats, this should consist of a border police force based on the Bavarian model. In addition, the number of citizen police officers should be doubled to ensure greater security and responsiveness, particularly in rural areas.

Compulsory pre-school year

When it comes to improving education, the focus should be on the youngest children. "Very important foundations are laid in daycare centers for the rest of their lives, and not least for their future educational biography," explained Dierks. This is why the CDU wants to make the last year of nursery school a compulsory pre-school year. To combat the shortage of teachers in schools, there should be additional study places and opportunities as well as assistance systems.

The CDU wants to strengthen the skilled trades by once again doubling the master craftsman bonus from 2,000 to 4,000 euros. Dierks emphasized that this is a central concern in the government programme.

The CDU has been in government in Saxony without interruption since 1990, with Kretschmer at the helm since 2017, who wants to defend his office once again. Most recently, the party was just behind the AfD (30 percent) in an Infratest survey with 29 percent. For the two current coalition partners, the SPD and the Greens (both 7%), it could be a close call to re-enter the state parliament.

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