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European elections 2024: What are you really voting for? CDU, SPD and co. in the check! 🌍

Symbolic image EU / pixabay TheDigitalArtist
Symbolic image EU / pixabay TheDigitalArtist

Find out which German parties such as the CDU, SPD, Greens and others are standing in the 2024 European elections and what impact your vote will have.

The European Parliament is the only directly elected body of the European Union and consists of 705 MEPs representing the citizens of the EU Member States. These MEPs are organized into different political groups based on political convictions and party affiliations. In the 2024 European elections, the composition and political orientation of the political groups is of particular interest.

Important political groups in the European Parliament

European People's Party (EPP) - 176 seats:

  • Christian democratic and conservative parties
  • Largest political group in the European Parliament
  • Political position: center-right
  • Main players: CDU/CSU (Germany) - currently 30 seats, PP - Partido Popular (Spain), Forza Italia (Italy)

Progressive Alliance of Social Democrats (S&D) - 139 seats:

  • Social democratic and socialist parties
  • Second largest parliamentary group
  • Political position: center-left
  • Main players: SPD (Germany) - currently 16 seats, Partito Democratico (Italy), PSOE (Spain)

Renew Europe (RE) - 102 seats:

  • Liberal and centrist parties
  • Political position: Center
  • Main players: FDP (Germany) - currently 7 seats, La République En Marche! (France), Ciudadanos (Spain)

Greens/EFA (Greens/European Free Alliance) - 72 seats:

  • Environmental and regional parties
  • Political position: Left-green
  • Main players: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Germany) - currently 25 seats, Volt (Germany), Piratenpartei (Germany), Ecolo (Belgium), Europe Écologie Les Verts (France)

Identity and Democracy (ID) - 49 seats:

European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) - 69 seats:

  • Conservative and Eurosceptic parties
  • Political position: right-wing conservative
  • Main players: PiS (Poland), Vox (Spain), N-VA (Belgium), Fratelli d'Italia (Giorgia Meloni / Italy), Bündnis Deutschland - currently 1 seat

United European Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) - 37 seats:

The Left (currently 5 seats) is part of the Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL). This group is committed to social justice, peace and sustainable environmental policy. The members of The Left work to protect the interests of workers, the socially vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Their political position is left-wing, and they fight against neoliberal economic policies and for a fairer distribution of resources.

Climate protection groups in the EU

The Greens/EFA group is the best-known climate protection group in the European Parliament. Its objectives include the fight against climate change, the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable economic practices. The main players include Bündnis 90/Die Grünen from Germany, Ecolo from Belgium and Europe Écologie Les Verts from France. This group relies on strong international alliances to achieve its environmental policy goals. In addition to the parties already mentioned, its partners include Svenska Miljöpartiet from Sweden and GroenLinks from the Netherlands. This cooperation strengthens the Group's position in the European Parliament and makes it possible to take more comprehensive and effective action in the area of climate protection.

Next: European elections 2024: Which party is really fighting for climate protection?

Extreme right-wing and fascist parties in the European Parliament

The far-right and fascist parties are mainly organized in the Identity and Democracy Group (ID). These parties pursue nationalist and often xenophobic programs that include political goals such as limiting immigration, strengthening national sovereignty and often a Eurosceptic stance. The main players in this group include the Rassemblement National from France and the Lega from Italy and, to date, the AfD from Germany. Fidesz from Hungary, which used to belong to the EPP and is increasingly leaning towards the ID, and the FPÖ from Austria are also important members of this international alliance. This cooperation strengthens their position within the European Parliament and enables them to pursue their political agendas more effectively at European level.

Effects of cooperation between the EPP (CDU/CSU) and ID or ECR on climate protection

A cooperation of the European People's Party (EPP) and thus the CDU/CSU with the Identity and Democracy Group (ID) or the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) after the next European elections would have a significant impact on climate protection. Here are some possible scenarios and consequences:

Cooperation with the ID

The Identity and Democracy Group (ID) consists mainly of far-right and nationalist parties, which are often Eurosceptic and tend to place less emphasis on climate protection. Cooperation between the EPP and the ID could have the following consequences:

  1. Weakening of climate protection measures: Parties within the ID tend to view climate protection measures as an economic burden. Cooperation could lead to a weakening or delay of climate protection initiatives.
  2. Focus on national interests: The ID faction emphasizes the sovereignty of nation states and could oppose supranational climate protection strategies of the EU, which would lead to a fragmented and less effective climate policy.
  3. Reduced support for renewable energy: Such an alliance could reduce financial support and promotion of renewable energy, as the ID faction often favors traditional energy sources such as coal or gas.

Cooperation with the ECR

The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) are conservative and often Eurosceptic, but less extreme than the ID. Cooperation between the EPP and the ECR could lead to the following consequences:

  1. More pragmatic climate policy: The ECR could lead to a more moderate climate policy that takes greater account of economic interests. This could mean that climate protection measures are implemented, but more slowly and less ambitiously.
  2. Focus on technology and innovation: The ECR could promote technological solutions and innovations to combat climate change instead of supporting strict regulatory measures.
  3. Compromises on climate targets: An alliance with the ECR could lead to compromises on EU climate targets, possibly with lower emission reduction targets and longer timeframes to achieve them.

Further: European elections 2024: Which party is really fighting for climate protection?

Analyzing the political groups and parties in the European Parliament makes it possible to understand important trends and political developments at European level. The 2024 European elections will play a key role in determining the future direction of EU policy, particularly in the areas of climate protection and migration.


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