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State leader Urban delighted with AfD result

Jörg Urban, party leader of the AfD Saxony, sits at the state party conference of the Saxon AfD / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Jörg Urban, party leader of the AfD Saxony, sits at the state party conference of the Saxon AfD / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Saxony's AfD state leader Jörg Urban has expressed his satisfaction with his party's performance in the European elections. "We have become the second strongest party in Germany," he said on Sunday evening. He is extremely pleased about this. "It is also good that the eco-socialists of the Greens have fallen dramatically." According to initial projections by ARD and ZDF, the CDU/CSU achieved between 29.6 and 30.0 percent in Germany. The AfD came in at 16.1 to 16.4 percent.

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