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Left launch peace campaign in Saxony election campaign

Dresden: The Saxon Left Party wants to convince people with a peace campaign during the election campaign. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Dresden: The Saxon Left Party wants to convince people with a peace campaign during the election campaign. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

People in Saxony are also concerned about an escalation of the war in Ukraine. The left-wing parties have sensed the concerns and fears of the population in the current election campaign.

The Saxon Left Party is promoting a non-violent settlement of conflicts with a peace campaign during the election campaign. The campaign under the slogan "Peace needs courage: Saxony becomes peaceable" begins on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The aim is to bring the peace requirement of the constitution back to the forefront of the political debate, explained party chairpersons Susanne Schaper and Stefan Hartmann.

With their campaign, the Left Party is demanding, among other things, a ban on military research at universities in the country. They are also calling for a ban on new Bundeswehr bases in Saxony and a clear commitment from the state government against the stationing of nuclear weapons in the state.

Many people are moved by the longing for peace

The campaign is accompanied by a collection of signatures. It calls on the Saxon government to "work according to the logic of peace and not war". The cause is also being promoted on billboards with the slogan "Peace needs courage".

"Peace needs courage and courageous people who lead the way. The nationwide debate follows a logic of war that we on the left reject," explained Schaper. It is time to once again consider peace as the primary goal in the world. "We must become capable of peace instead of war," said Schaper, referring to a statement by Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD).

Instead of investing in armaments, we need to invest in education. "And we must once again make diplomacy the standard for conflict resolution. Tomorrow's anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima is a reminder to us: put down your weapons." Many people are moved by the longing for peace, something that was repeatedly felt during the election campaign.

Against military research at Saxon universities

Hartmann linked the message of peace with an election recommendation for his party. "Anyone who wants a loud voice for peace in the Saxon state parliament must vote for the Left Party. We are the only party to take an honest stand against the omnipresent armament, while others are simply using fake labels," emphasized the party leader.

A new state parliament will be elected in Saxony on September 1. Looking at the poll figures, the Left Party must be worried about re-entering parliament.

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