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NSU: Pilot documentation center in Chemnitz takes shape

 The future documentation center on the NSU complex in Chemnitz ss / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
The future documentation center on the NSU complex in Chemnitz ss / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

There will be a first documentation center on the NSU crimes in Chemnitz in 2025. Minister of State for Culture Roth and Minister for Democracy Meier visited the site to see for themselves.

13 years after the so-called National Socialist Underground (NSU) was uncovered, the establishment of a pilot documentation center in Chemnitz is one step closer. Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth and Saxony's Minister for Democracy Katja Meier (both Greens) handed over funding decisions for the project in Chemnitz.

"The consistent processing of all the dimensions of the NSU murder series and the appropriate remembrance of the victims, which also includes the perspective of those affected, must be part of the German culture of remembrance," said Roth according to a statement on site. The future pilot documentation center in Chemnitz will make a central contribution to this.

During the meeting, Roth and Meier visited the premises of the future documentation center and learned about the involvement of those affected. "Chemnitz is well on the way to becoming a European place of learning about the NSU complex," said Meier.

Opening planned for 2025

The project in Chemnitz is considered a pilot project for the documentation center on the crimes of the NSU planned by the federal government. It is being built in a former store in the city center and is designed as an interactive center. The opening is scheduled for May 2025 as part of the European Capital of Culture year in Chemnitz.

Chemnitz and Zwickau were once the retreats of the NSU core trio, who originally came from Jena. They lived there unmolested for years, had numerous supporters and organized a series of murders of at least ten people. The right-wing terrorists are also responsible for a number of robberies and several bomb attacks.

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