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Refugee Council calls for a ban on deportations to Venezuela

Difficult situation in Venezuela: Saxony's Refugee Council calls for a halt to deportations. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
Difficult situation in Venezuela: Saxony's Refugee Council calls for a halt to deportations. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

Following the controversial presidential election in Venezuela, the political situation there is tense. The Saxon Refugee Council criticizes the fact that refugees are still being deported there.

In view of the difficult political situation in Venezuela, the Saxon Refugee Council is calling for a halt to deportations to the South American country. The rejection of asylum applications while the political crisis in Venezuela is escalating is incomprehensible, explained spokesman Dave Schmidtke. He called for a new assessment of the security situation in the country. Rejecting asylum applications as obviously unfounded ignores the reality there. The association therefore demanded the right to stay for those affected.

According to the organization, a young single woman from Rodewisch (Vogtlandkreis) was only deported to Caracas on Sunday night, although she had appealed against the decision and a court hearing was imminent. However, those affected currently have no legal protection and could be deported at any time, it was said. The Association of Venezuelans in Saxony (Venezolanos en Sajonia) also criticized this step: "It is completely inhumane to deport a Venezuelan woman at this critical time, when all those fleeing the country and protesting against the regime are being called traitors to their homeland."

The recent presidential election in Venezuela has been overshadowed by allegations of fraud. After the election on July 28, the electoral authority loyal to the regime officially declared President Nicolás Maduro, who has been in power since 2013, the winner. However, the opposition accuses the government of electoral fraud and is claiming victory for its candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

Many people demonstrated against what they believe to be a rigged election. The state authorities cracked down. According to the UN, numerous minors were also arrested. The United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Venezuela reported this week that more than 100 children and young people were among the at least 1,260 people arrested. In addition, at least 23 people died in connection with the protests.

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