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Saxony's AfD leader calls for the firewall to fall

Jörg Urban, party leader of the AfD Saxony, at a press conference / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Jörg Urban, party leader of the AfD Saxony, at a press conference / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

After winning the European elections in Saxony, AfD state leader Jörg Urban has called on the other parties to rethink the wall against his party. "The party that has the most voter support cannot be ignored in the long term," said Urban on Monday in Dresden. Following this result, he is now hoping for "movement in the party spectrum". Without the AfD, it will no longer be possible to pursue conservative policies.

The CDU in particular should think about whether they have the right leader for their party in Minister President Michael Kretschmer. He is one of those who are taking the hardest line on demarcation. For others, the "firewall mentality" is perhaps not yet so pronounced. In the end, the blockade attitude is harmful to the country. The AfD had also shown in the local elections that it was a people's party and had also won in Dresden and Chemnitz.

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