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Rising number of deportations of rejected asylum seekers in Saxony

Dresden: The number of deportations of rejected asylum seekers from Saxony has risen again. Archive photo / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
Dresden: The number of deportations of rejected asylum seekers from Saxony has risen again. Archive photo / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

The number of deportations of rejected asylum seekers in Saxony continues to rise. This year, 487 people have already been deported, mainly from Tunisia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Georgia and Turkey.

The number of deportations of rejected asylum seekers in Saxony is increasing. According to the responsible state directorate, 487 people have been deported from the Free State so far this year, compared to 435 deportations in the same period last year. This year, the majority of these were people from Tunisia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Georgia and Turkey. 58 of them are convicted criminals. In addition, 486 people left Saxony voluntarily. In the second quarter alone, 288 of them returned voluntarily to their home countries of Turkey, Venezuela, Georgia and Russia.

Trend towards more deportations continues

According to the state directorate, 841 people were deported from Saxony last year, 272 of whom were offenders. The main countries of destination for deportations were Georgia, North Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria and Pakistan. In 2022, the total number of deportations was 568, including 199 offenders. In addition, the number of approved grants for voluntary departures rose from 435 people (2022) to 627 (2023).

State promotes voluntary departures

The voluntary return of persons obliged to leave the country generally takes precedence over deportation. Since January 2019, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) in Saxony has been offering advice to people who are considering returning to their country of origin voluntarily with state assistance. These consultations are carried out on behalf of the Saxon State Ministry at the three Saxon Bamf locations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig.

Rejected asylum seekers receive information about the possibility of an individual counseling session for returnees at the same time as their decision. The consultation is voluntary and free of charge. It is intended to provide information about the possibilities of a sponsored voluntary return to the country of origin and help with reintegration on site. If someone decides to return voluntarily, the advisors will organize the trip and support services, such as financial start-up assistance in the country of origin.

Possible assistance includes a flight or bus ticket, travel costs from home to the airport or bus station, money for the trip, medical support during the trip and up to three months after arrival in the destination country or a one-off grant.

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