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Election platform: AfD wants to change the protection of the constitution

Demonstrators against the AfD event hold up protest signs at the edge of an election campaign event of the AfD federal association / Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa
Demonstrators against the AfD event hold up protest signs at the edge of an election campaign event of the AfD federal association / Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa

Saxony's state parliament will be re-elected in September. In its election manifesto, the AfD advocates stricter sanctions against recipients of citizens' benefits and a reorganization of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

The AfD in Saxony has decided on its program for the state elections in September. However, it did not want to reveal the full text publicly at first. However, some points became known during the debate at the state party conference in Glauchau on Saturday. The preamble states that the AfD wants to take on government responsibility in Saxony and initiate a change in policy.

The plans include the introduction of a state care allowance of up to 400 euros per month as well as stricter sanctions against recipients of citizens' allowance. When constructing new wind farms and large solar power plants, storage systems are to be prescribed to ensure power for at least seven days even when there is no wind. The program also envisages abolishing the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in its current form and reorganizing it. The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the AfD state association as a "confirmed right-wing extremist movement".

Demands by the AfD youth organization Junge Alternative for a ban on Antifa and the creation of an "Agency for Remigration" did not find a majority. This agency was to be placed under the Ministry of the Interior in order to return "migrants who entered Saxony illegally" to their countries of origin.

A new state parliament will be elected in Saxony on September 1. The AfD's top candidate is state and parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban.

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