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Polling stations open for European and local elections in Saxony

Ballot boxes and signs in a warehouse of the city administration of the independent city of Frankfurt (Oder). / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa
Ballot boxes and signs in a warehouse of the city administration of the independent city of Frankfurt (Oder). / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa

The polling stations for the European and local elections in Saxony are open. Around 3.3 million people are called to vote.

The polling stations for voting in the European and local elections in Saxony are open. People have been able to cast their votes since 8 a.m., according to the state election administration in Kamenz on Sunday morning. There were no known disruptions, obstructions or delays.

Around 3.3 million people in Saxony are being called to vote for the European Parliament and local representatives. Until 6 p.m. on Sunday, they can cast their vote for one of the 34 parties and lists vying for a place in the European Parliament at almost 3,600 polling stations. In addition, the members of ten district councils, 418 city and municipal councils and around 855 local councils will be elected. The term of office lasts until 2029. While 16-year-olds can already vote in the European Parliament, the minimum age for local elections in Bavaria is 18. As a result, there are almost 70,000 fewer eligible voters for the local elections than for the European elections.

According to the state election management, the polling stations will close at 6 p.m. and the electoral boards will begin counting the votes for the European elections. The first interim results are expected at around 7 p.m.

The ballot is also seen as a test of the mood for the state elections in Saxony on September 1 and as an indication of the strength of the AfD. It became the strongest party in Saxony in the 2019 European elections. The local elections were dominated by independent voter associations and the CDU.

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