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Saxon state parliament debates crime, suspected espionage and protection of farmland

Members of Parliament during the session in the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Members of Parliament during the session in the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The Saxon state parliament deals with crime, suspected espionage and farmland protection. The AfD, SPD and Greens put various topics on the agenda.

The Saxon state parliament will discuss crime, suspected espionage involving the AfD and the protection of farmland from being sold off during the current hour on Friday (from 10.00 a.m.). The topic of crime was added to the agenda at the request of the AfD. It is primarily concerned with the criminality of migrants. The SPD would like to shed light on the suspicion of espionage against an employee of AfD European politician Maximilian Krah.

The Greens then want to discuss the protection of farmland once again under the heading "Farmland in farmers' hands". This was preceded by a conflict within the coalition. At the request of some farmers' associations, the CDU had rejected the agricultural structure law planned in the coalition agreement. The Greens therefore accused the CDU/CSU of breaking its word.

The state government's questioning is about the state's recycling strategy. Energy and Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) is to answer the MPs' questions. Other items on the agenda include the recognition of foreign professional qualifications, education in daycare centers and people in need of care.

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