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Michael Kretschmer wins direct mandate in Saxony state election

Minister President Michael Kretschmer has defended his direct mandate in his constituency / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Minister President Michael Kretschmer has defended his direct mandate in his constituency / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

As in 2019, Saxony's Minister President contested the Görlitz 2 constituency - and achieved a better result than in 2019.

Prime Minister and CDU top candidate Michael Kretschmer has won a direct mandate in the state election in Saxony. Kretschmer received 47.2 percent of the direct votes in the constituency of Görlitz 2, as can be seen on the Saxony state website. AfD politician Sebastian Wippel finished in second place with 39.4 percent.

Kretschmer also won the Görlitz 2 constituency in the election five years ago. Back then, 45.9 percent of voters voted for him.

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