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Right-wing extremist micro-party provides deputy in Lunzenau

The town council of Lunzenau elected a representative of the far-right Free Saxons to the position of deputy mayor. (Archive photo) / Photo: picture alliance / ZB
The town council of Lunzenau elected a representative of the far-right Free Saxons to the position of deputy mayor. (Archive photo) / Photo: picture alliance / ZB

If the mayor is not available, honorary deputies take over in small towns and villages. In Lunzenau, the far-right Free Saxons have now secured such an office.

The extreme right-wing minor party Freie Sachsen will in future provide one of the two deputy mayors in Lunzenau (district of Central Saxony). Councillor Anne Liebing was elected 2nd deputy at the constituent meeting of the committee, according to an official announcement by the town. The Left Party accused the Free Voters of making common cause with the extreme right. On X, Kerstin Köditz, member of the state parliament, spoke of an example of "sinister alliances".

The state chairman of the Free Voters, Thomas Weidinger, sharply distanced himself from the events in the small town when asked by dpa. Although a number of groups described themselves as Free Voters, not all of them actually belonged to his party. This was also the case in Lunzenau. On behalf of the state association, Weidinger emphasized: "There is no cooperation with the Free Saxons on our part and there will be none in the future."

In the town council elections, the CDU won the most votes in Lunzenau (45.7 percent), ahead of the local Free Voters (37.4) and the Free Saxons (17.0). However, the CDU candidate was defeated in the election of the two deputy mayors. The "Freie Presse" had previously reported on this. The first deputy post is held by a representative of the Free Voters.

Free Saxons: "This will only be the beginning"

"I have to acknowledge that," explained Mayor Ronny Hofmann (CDU), referring to his duty of neutrality. One of the duties of the deputies is to represent him when he is unavailable - for example on the city council or at anniversaries. However, Hofmann emphasized that he attends most of these appointments himself. For the future, he is relying on substantive work in the city council and does not currently see a general blockade by the Free Voters and Free Saxons.

Meanwhile, the Free Saxons rejoiced over Liebing's election on the internet. This will only be the beginning, they wrote on X.

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