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Kretschmer: Rejection of cooperation with AfD and Left Party

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer at the CDU election review in Berlin / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer at the CDU election review in Berlin / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

As the strongest force in the state elections, the CDU has the task of forming a government. State leader Michael Kretschmer clearly rejects the AfD - as well as the Left Party.

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer clearly rules out cooperation with the AfD after the state elections, as he did before - and also a coalition with the Left.

About the AfD, the CDU state leader and top candidate said at the federal party's election review in Berlin: "The party will take on an opposition role, which is an important matter in a democracy." The election results give the CDU the chance to form a stable government. Forming one will not be easy and will not happen quickly. "It's about talking calmly and responsibly about which issues are necessary now." An alliance between the CDU, Sahra Wagenknecht and the SPD or the Greens would be mathematically possible.

The decision of incompatibility "is absolutely correct and is also valid at this time," said Kretschmer. In this election campaign, the AfD had once again confirmed its malice and disdain for democracy and political competitors. With the radicals and right-wing extremists in the leadership of the party, "it won't work", that was also clear before the election. The CDU's incompatibility resolution states that it may neither form a coalition with the AfD or the Left Party nor engage in "similar forms of cooperation".

No also to coalition with Left Party - talks possible

According to Kretschmer, however, there are "gradual differences" in the attitude towards the Left Party. They have worked together responsibly in recent years, and a year ago, for example, they drafted a cross-party resolution on migration, "which we supported together because it was also clear that we have a civic responsibility", he said. "The incompatibility resolution refers to participation in government, it refers to structural cooperation." The fact that we are still talking to each other, "I think that's right". He would talk to anyone "who wants to talk to me", he said. "But structural cooperation, a coalition, is not possible."

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