The churches have given Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) a blessing for his new term of office. At the ceremony in the lower church of Dresden's Frauenkirche, his pastor Markus Engelhardt drew a parallel to the Herrnhut motto for December 18. It states, among other things: "Abraham practiced patience and learned the promise".
According to Engelhardt, the sentence relates very well to the course of the day. After all, Kretschmer also had to be patient until the promise finally arrived in the form of his re-election. The sentence is also a good benchmark for politics as a profession. Kretschmer was only able to win his election in the second round - but then with an absolute majority.
At the same time, Engelhardt recalled a saying by sociologist Max Weber, according to which politics is the slow drilling of hard boards with passion and a sense of proportion at the same time. He also incorporated a saying by the wise King Solomon into his words. "Therefore give your servant a listening heart, so that he may govern your people and know how to distinguish good from evil."
The pastor emphasized that the Bible says something important for politicians. Success should not be the ultimate measure of politics, but should always remain subordinate to justice. "Serving justice and resisting injustice remains the fundamental task of politics."
Kretschmer's parents also took part in the ceremony. The Protestant church was also represented by Oberkirchenrat Christoph Seele. He is the representative of the Protestant regional churches to the Free State of Saxony. The Catholic Church was represented by Daniela Pscheida-Überreiter, head of the Catholic Office in Saxony.
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