Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is calling for important cabinet posts for politicians from the east in the next federal government. He told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ) that important personalities from the new federal states should sit in a ministry "that can really make a difference for the future of the country", such as transport or science. "That would be a real contribution to bringing a second impetus to this rebuilding of the East." Kretschmer has definitely ruled out a return to Berlin for himself. "My job is in Saxony," he said.
Kretschmer calls for an asylum compromise before the election
With a view to the Bundestag elections, the CDU federal vice-chairman urged a compromise on asylum. "I call on all those who mean well by the country and really want to defend democracy to adopt measures to stop irregular migration before the election if possible." The problems are so serious from the point of view of the population "that they have a massive influence on voting behavior."
Democracy can be defended "if you solve the problems that are on people's minds", he said. Refoulement at borders should be "a matter of course", even though this is against EU law. "As long as the EU's external borders are not secure and we do not show at our borders that this is the end of the line, people will be passed through to us."
According to Kretschmer, the influx has already decreased massively since the introduction of stationary border controls. "Because the countries around us are taking care of us and making an effort. And because many people who are turned away without valid papers or a valid reason for entry do not apply for asylum."
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