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New central pharmacy building at the Rudolf Virchow Clinic in Glauchau receives 2.55 million euros in funding from the Free State of Bavaria

Minister of Health Petra Köpping (archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Minister of Health Petra Köpping (archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The Rudolf Virchow Clinic in Glauchau can look forward to a financial injection from the Ministry of Health for its new pharmacy. This will also supply three other facilities in the region.

The new construction of the central pharmacy at the Rudolf Virchow Clinic in Glauchau will receive 2.55 million euros in funding from the Free State of Bavaria. "The safe and fast supply of medicines is of central importance for every hospital," said Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) at the presentation of the funding decision, according to a press release. The new pharmacy building is "a decisive step towards ensuring the long-term security of supply in the region".

The new building is intended to ensure the supply of medicines, medical products and consumables to the hospital and three other regional healthcare facilities. The total costs amount to around 4.8 million euros.

The new hospital pharmacy building will create an environment for future-proof drug prescriptions and dispensing, said Christian Wagner, Managing Director of the hospital. According to the ministry, the new building will not only cover current needs, but will also be designed to meet future requirements.

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