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Declining beer sales - industry confident for 2024

The traditional beer tapping ceremony at the Dresden Oktoberfest is toasted with mugs of beer / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Symbolic image
The traditional beer tapping ceremony at the Dresden Oktoberfest is toasted with mugs of beer / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Symbolic image

On April 23, German brewers raise a glass to each other. For it was on this day in 1516 that the Purity Law was proclaimed. The law is considered the oldest valid food law regulation in the world.

Brewers in Saxony are suffering from a sharp rise in costs and a tense situation in the hospitality industry, according to their own estimates. "Above all, shorter opening hours and the ongoing shortage of staff in the catering trade are partly responsible for the fact that beer sales fell in 2023, although this was comparatively moderate at 2.5 percent in Saxony," the Saxon Brewers' Association announced in Dresden on Tuesday in comparison to 2022. April 23 is celebrated as the Day of German Beer. This is because the Purity Law for beer was proclaimed on this day in 1516. It is considered the oldest food regulation still in force.

According to the brewers' association, the figures for 2023 will not please Saxony's finance minister either due to a decline in beer tax. After all, Saxony will collect 52 million euros in beer tax this year, according to its own figures.

The industry in Saxony drew a differentiated conclusion. With total beer sales of almost seven million hectolitres, it was also one of the top three in the brewing industry nationwide in 2023. The number of breweries in the Free State has gone against the overall German trend, rising from 55 to 82 over the past ten years. This year, 36 apprentices are expected to successfully complete their training as brewers/malters.

Saxony's brewers are clearly positive about the prospects for 2024: "We are looking forward to the upcoming beer garden season, the many festivals and events in the regions and, of course, the European Football Championships in our own state," explained Steffen Dittmar, President of the Saxon Brewers' Association.

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