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Friedrich Merz gives a fiery speech at regional conference in Stuttgart

Friedrich Merz, Chairman of the CDU Germany (Image: Screenshot Youtube from live video)
Friedrich Merz, Chairman of the CDU Germany (Image: Screenshot Youtube from live video)

On Friday, March 8, Stuttgart witnessed an impressive moment in the political realignment of the CDU. Friedrich Merz, the chairman of Germany's CDU, gave a blazing speech on the Germany tour as part of the regional conferences, both acknowledging the problems of the past and outlining the path to a bold and confident future.

In his speech, Merz made it clear that the CDU had recognized its past mistakes, in particular the neglect of the Bundeswehr, and had already taken steps to correct them. One example of this is the approval of the 100 billion euro special fund. Merz emphasized the need for strong European unity, especially between Germany, France and Poland, and criticized the Chancellor's recent behaviour as insufficient.

A central theme of the speech was security policy, underlined by the Latin proverb "Si vis pacem, para bellum" - "If you want peace, prepare for war". Merz made it clear that a victory in Ukraine over Russia was essential for Europe's security.

Another focus was on economic policy. Merz called for an end to entrepreneur bashing and outlined measures to strengthen confidence in Germany as a business location, such as the tax-free status of overtime and higher tax-free allowances for employees drawing a pension. He also spoke out against excessive regulation and in favor of lower taxes to encourage domestic investment.

In terms of education and the shortage of skilled workers, Merz advocated the exploitation of domestic potential and a reduction in bureaucracy. He emphasized the importance of education as a matter for the federal states and the responsibility of parents in the education of their children. "Imagine if education was also a matter for the federal government and this government took care of it?" he teased in the direction of the traffic light government.

On the subject of the shortage of skilled workers, Merz explained that Germany must become more attractive for skilled workers from other European countries. With more digitalization and less bureaucracy, Germany could once again become a preferred destination for qualified workers from Europe, which would secure the country's prosperity and innovative strength in the long term.

The speech ended with a standing ovation and the symbolic gesture of bringing Carsten Linnemann on stage to underline the CDU's common path into the future.


The CDU, long a dominant force in German politics, faces the challenge of repositioning itself in a rapidly changing political landscape. Friedrich Merz's speech in Stuttgart is a clear sign of the party's desire to both come to terms with political missteps of the past and move into the future with a clear plan and fresh ideas. The emphasis on security policy, promoting the economy and education shows that the CDU is trying to strengthen its core competencies while offering new solutions to current problems.

By focusing on a stronger European Union, promoting the economy and taking responsibility for education, the CDU is positioning itself as a party that both understands the challenges of the present and is developing visions for the future of Germany. The reaction to Merz's speech in Stuttgart, in particular the standing ovation, indicates that at least the party base supports this new course. The coming months and years will show whether this new direction also resonates with voters.

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