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Adjustment of daycare fees from June: What parents need to know

Daycare fees in Leipzig will rise in June 2025 / Symbolic image by Christian Dubovan on unsplash.com (The symbolic image shown serves to illustrate the topic without directly depicting the action).
Daycare fees in Leipzig will rise in June 2025 / Symbolic image by Christian Dubovan on unsplash.com (The symbolic image shown serves to illustrate the topic without directly depicting the action).

From June 2025, daycare fees for parents will increase in Leipzig. We explain the background and impact on families.

The debate about adjusting daycare fees is an important issue for families in Leipzig. From June 1, 2025, the fees for childcare in municipal facilities are to be increased. But what is behind this decision?


The City of Leipzig is increasing parental contributions with the aim of offsetting the increased costs in daycare centers and after-school care. Since the last adjustment in 2017, both personnel and material costs have risen significantly. This development is partly due to collective bargaining and improvements to the childcare ratio.

The legal framework

One key aspect is the legal requirement that the cost of a daycare place in Saxony is shared between the state, local authorities and parents. Even though the city of Leipzig has refrained from increasing contributions in recent years, parents now have to pay more due to the statutory minimum shares.

The new contribution rates

If the city council approves the administration's proposal, parental contributions for a new place in the crèche will increase from 211.14 euros to 229.00 euros. The same applies to the kindergarten, where the fees will rise to 150.00 euros. An increase to 86.00 euros is planned for the after-school care center.

Support for families

Despite the unavoidable increase in contributions, the city of Leipzig remains true to its family-friendly policy. Single parents and families with several children in childcare facilities will continue to benefit from discounts. Families were already able to take advantage of discounts worth around 21.1 million euros in 2023.

Financial challenges

The adjustment of parental contributions is intended to counteract an undesirable trend in which the financial burden was increasingly being shifted onto the shoulders of the municipality. Since 2010, the City of Leipzig's share of total expenditure has risen by more than six percentage points, while the share of parental contributions has fallen significantly.


The planned increase in daycare parental contributions in Leipzig from June 2025 is a measure to ensure high-quality childcare services. Parents and city officials are faced with challenges to meet the financial requirements and at the same time ensure a fair distribution of costs.

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