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Dresdener Mühle plans to invest 40 million euros in expansion

Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and Maria Kain (BA student) - (Image: Dresdener Mühle/Katharina Grottker)
Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and Maria Kain (BA student) - (Image: Dresdener Mühle/Katharina Grottker)

The Saxon company Dresdener Mühle is investing 40 million euros in the expansion of its production capacities. These are to increase by 50 percent.

Dresdener Mühle, Saxony's largest flour mill, is planning a comprehensive expansion of its capacities by 50 percent. The investment of around 40 million euros is aimed at meeting the increasing demand for specialized flour qualities and strengthening regional value creation. On 5 August 2024, Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer visited the mill to find out about the challenges and plans.

The traditional industrial monument at Dresden harbour, built in 1913 by the Bienert family, currently processes around 600 tons of grain a day into flour products for the bakery trade and food industry. The medium-sized company Bindewald und Gutting took over the mill ten years ago and has since invested around 15 million euros in the site. With the planned investment of 40 million euros, capacities are to be significantly expanded. Details of the investments will be announced at a later date.

At a joint breakfast with Minister President Kretschmer and numerous employees, as well as representatives of the bakery trade and regional agriculture, the challenges and reasons for the mill's extensive investment plans were discussed. Michael Kretschmer emphasized the importance of the milling industry as a partner for the food industry and praised Dresdener Mühle as an important supporter of the Saxon bakery trade and regional agriculture.

The increasing demand for specialized and sustainably produced flour blends requires the expansion of capacities. Dirk Willkomm, Sales Manager at Dresdener Mühle, explained that 67 grain qualities currently have to be processed into 60 flour blends. The planned expansion is intended to ensure that Dresdener Mühle can continue to meet the growing requirements.

Another focus of the investments is on the company's export strategy. By exporting quality flours instead of grain, Dresdener Mühle keeps a significant part of the value chain in Saxony, which strengthens the economic power of the region.

The "Ährenwort" quality concept, which has ensured the traceability and transparency of products since 1993, is a central component of Dresdener Mühle's strategy for the future. Over 200 farmers and bakers work in this award-winning program, which will continue to be a guarantee for high-quality products.

In addition, Dresdener Mühle is established as a training competence center for the Bindewald and Gutting Group. The focus on training is reflected in the doubling of apprenticeships, and in 2023 the mill was recognized by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce as an exemplary training company.

With these investments and its commitment to quality and training, Dresdener Mühle is sending a clear signal for its future development and the strengthening of the regional economy. The planned expansions are not only intended to increase production capacities, but also to meet the increasing demands for sustainability and regionality. This shows how Dresdener Mühle is playing an important role in Saxony's economic development.

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