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Elbe floods Dresden: Peak in Saxony expected in the afternoon

Dresden has been on flood alert level 3 since Wednesday (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Dresden has been on flood alert level 3 since Wednesday (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The flood waters in the rivers of eastern Saxony are subsiding. Only the Elbe, coming from the Czech Republic, is swelling - now the crest is moving towards the Saxon part of the river.

According to forecasts, the Elbe is expected to peak in Saxony this afternoon. At the border with the Czech Republic, a maximum level of 6.71 meters is expected at the Schöna gauge, according to the latest data from the state flood center. A level of 6.58 meters was measured there on Thursday morning, while the normal level is 1.58 meters. The peak of the very long flood is also expected to be reached in Dresden in the afternoon, with an expected 6.12 meters compared to a normal level of 1.42 meters.

Alert level 3 applies to both gauges. At the next measuring point in Riesa, the water level is 6.65 meters (alert level 2). According to the forecast, the water will flow out very slowly, partly due to the control system in the Vltava cascades to protect the Czech capital of Prague downstream. Hydrologists assume that the Elbe flood may last until the end of September. 

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