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Silent auction for the Spike e.V.: Creative help from the Urban Live Gallery

Graffiti by Slider (Image: PR)
Graffiti by Slider (Image: PR)

The silent auction of graffiti artworks created during the 14th Dresden Castle Night is currently underway. The proceeds will be donated to Spike e.V.

Dresdner Schlössernacht celebrated its 14th anniversary this year and opted for a rejuvenation that would appeal to young people in particular. An important part of this rejuvenation was the Urban Live Gallery at the Römisches Bad, which set a unique creative accent. Here, 12 artists from the urban scene used brushes, spray paint and pens to create works of art of impressive variety and expressiveness live in front of visitors.

To the rhythms of the breakdance group Saxonz and the sound of DJ Access, guests had the opportunity to admire the works created and place their first bids on the spot. The auction will now continue online in the form of a silent auction, with the works from the Urban Live Gallery being auctioned off until August 25.

The Spike e.V. and its urgent cause

The Spike Dresden e.V., which will benefit from the proceeds of the auction, has been an important provider of independent youth welfare services for 30 years. The association offers a space for encounters, education, understanding and integration of young people. Spike e.V. has made a name for itself in particular through creative activities such as hip hop and graffiti and has had a positive influence on youth culture in Dresden.

The importance of the auction for Spike e.V. is particularly great this year, as the association's lease was terminated at the end of the year. This difficult situation makes the support provided by the auction all the more necessary. The proceeds from the auction will be used to ensure the continued existence of the association and its valuable work.

The auction: a creative highlight

At www.dresdner-schloessernacht.de/auktion, art lovers and supporters can take a look at the gallery of 15 impressive paintings that were created during the Schlössernacht. The auction will be held as a silent auction, with the highest bid winning. The minimum bid is 350 euros and bids will be accepted via email to kontakt@spikedresden.de.

Mirco Meinel, the organizer of the Dresden Castle Night, expressed his enthusiasm for the artworks: "What the graffiti artists conjured up on the canvases in the few hours at the Castle Night really surprised me." He added: "We as an agency have also already placed a bid and hope that the project for the benefit of Spike e.V. will receive a lot of support."

A unique opportunity

The support of the Urban Live Gallery and the auction is generously sponsored by Zander Architekten. This auction not only offers the chance to acquire unique works of art, but also to make a valuable contribution to supporting an important social project.

Dresdner Schlössernacht has set an example with its rejuvenation program and innovative ideas such as the Urban Live Gallery. The auction is another example of how culture and community spirit can work together to bring about positive change. Art lovers and supporters are invited to take part in this campaign to ensure the continued existence of Spike e.V. and its valuable work.

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