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Living diversity: Christopher Street Day in Pirna 2024

Symbolic image Christopher Street Day / pixabay fsHH
Symbolic image Christopher Street Day / pixabay fsHH

Experience the 13th CSD in Pirna on July 13, 2024: Parade, music, speeches and actions for diversity, love and equality on the market square. Celebrate with us!

The 13th Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Pirna is just around the corner and promises a colorful and inspiring weekend full of diversity, love and community. The event will take place on July 13, 2024 at 2 pm on the market square and invites everyone to set a strong example for tolerance, acceptance and equality together.

Date and location

Mark July 13, 2024 in your calendar, because on this day, Pirna's market square will become the center of the colorful hustle and bustle. The diverse program starts at 2 pm and will extend into the evening.

Planned activities

The CSD in Pirna offers a varied program that has something for everyone. Participants can look forward to a colorful parade through the city center, accompanied by music, dancing and lots of happy faces. On the market square, you can expect speeches from activists and supporters who will focus on the importance of CSD and the demands of the LGBTQIA+ community.

In addition to the parade and speeches, there will be numerous stalls and activities where you can get information and network. Food stalls, music acts and various shows provide the best entertainment and invite you to enjoy the day to the full.

Meaning and aims

Christopher Street Day is much more than just a celebration - it is an important symbol of the fight for equality and human rights. At a time when discrimination and exclusion are still part of everyday life, CSD sends out a clear signal for an open and diverse society. It recalls the events of 1969 on Christopher Street in New York, when people first stood up against police violence and injustice, laying the foundation for the modern LGBTQIA+ movement.

Supporters and sponsors

The CSD in Pirna is supported by numerous local organizations and companies that stand up for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. This support shows how important solidarity and joint commitment are in order to bring about positive change in society.

Call for participation

Be there and show your support for love, diversity, human rights and human dignity. The CSD in Pirna offers the perfect opportunity to stand up together for a better future and defend the values of democracy. Come along, celebrate with us and set an example - for yourselves and for everyone else.

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