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Knauf Insulation plans investment in climate-friendly production in Saxony

Funds from the billion-euro funding program for climate protection agreements are also being invested in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa
Funds from the billion-euro funding program for climate protection agreements are also being invested in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

The first climate protection contracts were issued by Federal Environment Minister Habeck just over a week ago. Around 2.8 billion euros will go to 15 German companies - including Saxony.

The insulation company Knauf Insulation wants to invest its funds from the German government's climate protection contracts in Saxony. The electrification of an existing production line for rock wool insulation materials is being planned, the company announced on request. This should reduce the plant's CO2 footprint. Specifically, this involves the company's site in St. Egidien in the district of Zwickau.

A little over a week ago, Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) issued the first climate protection contracts to 15 companies in Germany. The aim is to support companies in switching to more climate-friendly production. The state steps in to finance more climate-friendly production processes and covers the additional costs until these processes are cheaper and therefore competitive. The federal government is providing a total of 2.8 billion euros.

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