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Organic farming on the rise in Saxony

Freshly harvested carrots are ready for transportation. / Photo: dpa
Freshly harvested carrots are ready for transportation. / Photo: dpa

More than 800 farms in Saxony operate organically - doubling since 2010

Organic farming in Saxony has grown strongly. In 2023, more than 800 farms in the Free State were operating according to the principles of organic farming, as the State Statistical Office announced on Monday. That is twelve percent of the total of 6500 farms. The number of organic farms in Saxony has thus more than doubled since 2010.

57 percent of Saxony's organic farms kept animals (32,200 cattle, 6,900 sheep, 4,600 pigs and 180,500 chickens). This means that almost eight percent of cattle, nine percent of sheep, one percent of pigs and four percent of chickens in Saxony were kept organically.

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