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Savings banks in the East grant significantly fewer loans

The "Sparkasse" lettering, taken opposite the main railway station above the entrance to a new building / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa
The "Sparkasse" lettering, taken opposite the main railway station above the entrance to a new building / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

The rise in interest rates is slowing down residential construction - this is also reflected in the balance sheet of the East German Savings Banks Association for the past year.

More trading in securities, but significantly fewer new loans - this summarizes the balance sheet for 2023 of the savings banks in Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The savings banks granted almost 40 percent fewer new housing loans than in 2022. At the same time, significantly more securities were bought and sold, as the association announced on Tuesday. This development is likely to be primarily due to the rise in interest rates, which make construction projects less attractive. Many customers are investing their money instead.

According to the OSV balance sheet, the 43 savings banks in the four federal states approved around 10 billion euros in loans - that was 30.3 percent less than a year earlier. Of this, 3.94 billion euros went to private individuals (-36.3 percent). Housing loans amounted to 4.69 billion euros (-39.2 percent).

The OSV savings banks recorded a 27.5 percent increase in securities purchases and a 35.6 percent increase in securities sales. In total, turnover with customer securities amounted to 12.85 billion euros.

The development was similar in the four federal states. Brandenburg stands out only in terms of securities purchases, with only a small increase of 8.3 percent.

The Thuringian savings banks are represented in an association together with Hessian institutions. Berlin has its own association.

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