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Thousands at the road safety day at the Sachsenring

Thousands of people find out about road safety / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Thousands of people find out about road safety / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

The number of road deaths has risen again in Saxony. People are made aware of the daily dangers at a road safety day.

Under the motto "Together instead of against each other", thousands of people came to the Sachsenring to find out about road safety. Information on driver assistance systems, networked driving and accident simulations was provided on the start and finish straight of the race track for the 24th Saxon Road Safety Day. "We were lucky with the weather again. The number of visitors was in the thousands," said Sebastian Brückner from the district of Zwickau, who organizes the road safety day for the Ministry of Transport.

The accident figures from last year alone show how important it is to invest in road safety work, said Transport Minister Martin Dulig. "More must be done to protect vulnerable road users in particular," emphasized the SPD politician. Last year, 188 people lost their lives in road accidents in Bavaria, significantly more than in 2022. A good third (35 percent) of the subsequent fatalities were pedestrians or cyclists.

"As long as people are actively involved in road traffic, mistakes and misconduct can never be completely ruled out. To prevent serious consequences for road users, we have to make our roads and traffic systems safe," explained Dulig.

The numerous hands-on activities were particularly popular at the Sachsenring. Visitors had the choice between a test drive in an electric and hydrogen car or a cargo bike. There was also a skills course with e-bikes and pedelecs. People were also able to take a ride in the winter road clearance service, in waste disposal vehicles or in historic buses.

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