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Schwedenlöcher holes completely renovated: Hiking trail open again

Saxon Switzerland / Photo: Frank Exß/dpa-tmn/dpa
Saxon Switzerland / Photo: Frank Exß/dpa-tmn/dpa

The footpaths of the famous Schwedenlöcher in Saxon Switzerland have been completely renovated. After extensive final repairs over the past six months, hikers can now use the popular trail again, as the national park administration announced on Monday. A total of more than 330,000 euros has been invested in the three construction phases since 2021. Some of the work was done by hand.

The Schwedenlöcher are a gorge-like ravine between the famous Bastei and the Amselgrund near the spa town of Rathen to the east of Dresden. The hiking trail leads up through rock faces over 700 steps and two steep iron ladders, with a height difference of 160 meters. With around 350,000 visitors per year, the rock formation is one of the most popular hiking trails in the Saxon Switzerland National Park, according to the national park administration.

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