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Saxony's largest election poster once again sends out a signal for considered action

Slogans for Saxony's largest election poster 2024 (Image: Montage / CROMATICS / DieSachsen.de)
Slogans for Saxony's largest election poster 2024 (Image: Montage / CROMATICS / DieSachsen.de)

An extraordinary art project is once again attracting attention: Saxony's largest election poster, which already caused a stir during the state elections in 2019, is once again taking center stage. This year's campaign, a street art façade design in Dresden-Mickten, has no direct party reference and aims to motivate citizens to take part in the upcoming state election.

The initiators of the project, Cromatics and Concrete Candy together with Dresden artist Lars P. Krause, want to emphasize the importance of the election and encourage the residents of Dresden to cast their vote in a reflective manner. The mural shows the same figure as five years ago, but visibly aged, and once again appeals to the population to act thoughtfully.

In a new twist on the 2019 campaign, this year Dresdeners can decide for themselves which quote will adorn the giant mural. The selection includes words from Indira Gandhi, Roland Kaiser and Prof. Albus Dumbledore - personalities whose quotes reflect current social challenges.

Wall with election poster in Dresden Neustadt from 2019. (Image: Archive / RedTower Films)

Roland Kaiser, who actively campaigns for democracy and against populism, calls for participation with his quote: "If the majority remains silent, the picture remains wrong." Indira Gandhi emphasizes the importance of dialogue and cooperation: "You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist." Professor Dumbledore, on the other hand, warns against simple solutions to complex problems: "Soon we will all have to make the decision between what is right and what is simple."

The citizens of Dresden are invited to vote on the motif of their biggest election poster by August 13 and thus have an active say in its design. Ronny Ullrich, Managing Director of CROMATICS and member of the group of initiators, emphasizes the importance of the campaign: "The 2024 election is moving our society. It was important to us to set an example and encourage discussion and a thoughtful approach to our democracy."

As in 2019, the motif will also be offered for sale as a poster to support not only the campaign itself, but also the artists involved. With this creative approach, the project team hopes to raise awareness of the importance of every single vote in the state election and leave a lasting impression on the population.

Source: Press release CROMATICS / Concrete Candy

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