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CDU defends military technology at Dresden city festival

There is resistance to the presentation of military technology at the Dresden City Festival (archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/ZB
There is resistance to the presentation of military technology at the Dresden City Festival (archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/ZB

Bouncy castle and rocket launcher: the German Armed Forces want to show off heavy military equipment at this year's Dresden City Festival and are meeting with resistance. A petition has now been launched.

The CDU defends the presentation of military technology at the Dresden City Festival at the weekend. "Our soldiers come from the heart of our society, they belong there and are part of it. When they show what they use to fulfill their mission, it's the most natural thing in the world," explained CDU city councillor Hans-Joachim Brauns. Criticism of this is "completely inappropriate". With the suspension of compulsory military service, the Bundeswehr is courting trainees on the job market like any other employer. In return, it is presenting itself to the general public with all its modern and technical capabilities.

The Left Party in Dresden's city parliament had criticized the presence of military technology at the city festival and launched an online petition. Among other things, the Bundeswehr wants to show vehicles from the military police force, wheeled tanks and the Patriot air defense system. "Heavy military weapons have no place at a city festival," emphasized Left Party parliamentary group leader André Schollbach. He was appalled that dangerous military equipment was to be displayed between the bouncy castle, Ferris wheel and candy floss. An army is not a happy adventure camp.

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