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"Pay what you can" in Leipzig's theaters

Symbol image theater / pixabay Nickbar
Symbol image theater / pixabay Nickbar

In the 2023/24 season, the Theaterbetriebe der Stadt Leipzig will offer audiences the opportunity to determine the ticket price themselves for selected events.

The theater companies of the city of Leipzig offer the audience in the 2023/24 season at selected events the opportunity to determine the ticket price itself. The spectators could freely choose within certain price categories, what they can or want to pay, the houses announced on Monday.

"Pay what you can - Pay, what you can!" goes back to an initiative of the Leipzig City Council. Involved are the theater of the young world, the play Leipzig, the Gewandhaus as well as the opera Leipzig. They offer the alternative payment model for certain performances. Afterwards, the houses want to evaluate the experiment and consider whether it should be continued or even expanded.

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